Moon calendar
Agriculture Medical
Moon Phases
The Lunar Calendars 2023 2024 are annual publications created with the purpose of offering a tool for the planning and investigation of productive activities in relation to lunar rhythms and other factors of energetic or vibrational order produced by celestial and biological bodies.
To talk about the practice of organic farming, it requires a farmer with a knowledge and mastery of the elements that combine in the farm, this is the understanding of the importance of how to manage or manage each of the available resources, as is the type of soil, water quality, light layout, humidity, winds, characteristics use and benefit of the so-called weeds, understanding of the role played by the main insects, birds and mammals that make up the fauna of the farm. Knowledge that we are sadly disconnected from.
In the Almanac, the recommended days for 21 agricultural activities are indicated, which are oriented to achieve better results according to the characteristic that each activity demands in accordance with the lunar rhythms. From there, that the timely management of soils can reduce the incidence of pests that are housed in it and maintain aeration for a longer time; a timely planting will achieve more productive plants and resistant to attack by pests and diseases; in the transplant it achieves a higher yield; with pruning the quality and quantity of fruits improves without weakening the plant; in grafts a better performance is achieved; the compost or compost has a faster and quality maturation; pasture silage (mowing) is preserved for longer; the cut wood has a longer duration and is not attacked by insects; the crops are preserved for longer and their taste, smell and texture are more suitable; by controlling fungi and insects, better results are achieved due to their effectiveness when performed on the days when they are most vulnerable; when fertilizing a greater use of the plant with less fertilizer is achieved; With irrigation, water penetrates and stays longer in the soil.
The success in the production is based on the attitude of the producer towards the life that surrounds him. Loving the earth is essentially an attitude of life that must be consistent with our thoughts, words and actions. When a human being comes to integrate Love into his life, he radiates it around him and all the things he touches are spread with a high level of harmony. Hence the importance of a change in behavior towards our productive environment.
It is often argued that these ideas constitute a great ideal but in practice they are mere fantasies of dreamy people or naive characters. That the reality is different, because to feed the world requires great technological advances in both machinery and biotechnology, and production is conceived as the art of generating food mechanically and to the satisfaction of consumers who can acquire it, with a vision that soil, plants, animals and human beings do not differ from industrial machines. This vision only generates spiritually empty human beings.
The Earth lives transformation processes, the same that affects all living beings. These processes require a consistent attitude on the part of the human being towards everything alive. With astonishment we observe that climatic manifestations have become more unpredictable than in the past, which makes world production more vulnerable.
On a higher step, there is the practice of Biodynamic Agriculture, which integrates the variations of the Cosmos «Sun, Moon, planets and constellations» to choose opportune moments for agricultural activities and integrating various preparations called biodynamics that help and improve the production. Without still being the maximum expression of agriculture, Homeodynamic Agriculture is in a more “evolved” degree, which, unlike biodynamics, makes use of homeopathic principles to give more strength and vigor to the “old” biodynamic products and introducing a wide range of new productsos.
The moment in which the farmer worries about healthier and healthier production, he begins to worry and take responsibility for the beings that inhabit his farm. By understanding that organic agriculture is not the goal, but only one step to improve production, it becomes more observant of what happens on its farm and opens up to the world and becomes more receptive to the adequate solution of its problems . This process implies greater sensitivity towards the environment and each one of the beings that live there. And this is the real key to his success as a farmer and of course, as a human being.
The success of any productive activity depends on the real opportunities of sale of the product or service that we offer, understanding that not all of us have skills for success in business, but at least we can try to make an effort in this activity in the periods indicated monthly . It is unknown to anyone that there is a kind of luck factor in business, as some are easily realized, others go through a waiting measure, others despite being very promising end in a resounding failure, on other occasions we are victims of scams, assaults or some kind of adversity. In order to reduce difficult circumstances, the loss of time in a business that does not flow or simply avoid starting an activity without the possibility of success, follow the recommendations indicated.
As of 2005, 13 recommendations for animal husbandry activities are specified, many of them require the intervention of a veterinarian. Castration in a timely manner prevents bleeding and infection; in deworming, the control of worms and the control of fungi a greater and effective decrease of the parasites is achieved in less time; when shearing on a suitable day the wool obtained has a higher quality and will grow again with a good shine; by stimulating milk production by means of medicinal plants on the indicated days you can achieve a good increase; to achieve a more effective and lasting cleaning of cages and stables. Knowing when to buy chickens can achieve birds with greater ease of assimilation of food and the consequent increase in body weight in a relatively less time; or when acquiring chickens for posture with higher production per bird. In the breeding of guinea pigs and rabbits when placing the males in the cages of the females at the right time their abuse and a good degree of pregnancy are avoided.
The health of the animal will depend on the quality of feeding that we know how to administer, to achieve this objective it is important to vary the percentages in quantity and diversity of the food supplied and even subjecting it to a monthly fast as indicated by the Almanac as explained in numeral 8. Rest assured that this will not lower productivity and you can save on food and medicine.
The bees are very sensitive to the energy changes coming from the celestial sphere, the most appropriate days for 6 beekeeping activities are indicated, which will favor the quality and quantity of honey collected. By checking or inspecting the hive on the indicated days, we allow cosmic energies to stimulate bees to make a honey with a good texture; adequate days to achieve a strong and healthy swarm; to achieve the formation of new alveoli with good structure and consistency; with a queen born on a favorable day, honeycomb production can be improved; The harvest done on a suitable day guarantees a honey of good consistency and flavor. In general, work with bees should be avoided on the days and times indicated with the plant symbol of the leaf.
Fish farming activities
The activities that are developed in direct contact with the water are closely related to the lunar influence, and for their success, work must be carried out in accordance with and in harmony with the lunar rhythms. The success of this activity will undoubtedly depend on the right time to excavate and fill the pools, so that they consolidate and do not erode easily, in addition to the optimal time to clean them; to achieve a greater number of fertilized eggs in the laboratories of shrimp larvae or fish farms and that larvae or fry are stronger and the death rate is reduced; so that when changing the environment, fish or shrimp are sown with a low mortality rate; to achieve better results in pool fertilization, phytosanitary control and deworming in both fish and shrimp; to harvest seafood and shrimp with greater weight and meatiness and; in the work of artisanal or sport fishing, a greater number of fish is achieved and with less effort.

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For orders, more information, talks, workshops, conferences, productive advice for agriculture, comprehensive farms, environmental planning for farms, Calendars Lunar, go to:
Ing. R.N.R. Santiago Bakach Sevilla
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Lunar Phases Calendar 2025 January Lunar Calendars 2024 February March April May June July August
Mondphasen Mondkalender Mond September
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2023 2024
Please contact your concerns and comments with Santiago Bakach:
with Peter May:
Included in the Lunar Almanac
Included in the Lunar Almanac