- Alausí is located in the south of the province. Among others it is famous for its railway station, where it departs to the Devil's Nose: an impressive train journey.
- Colta is famous for its fairs and its typical foods.
- Guamote is known for its fairs and crafts.
- It is the capital of the Chimborazo province, with different fairs and beautiful houses and buildings. From Riobamba you can make different excursions: visit the Sangay National Park, buy rugs in Guano or visit the lagoons found in the province.
Riobamba also called "Cradle of the Ecuadorian Nationality", "Sultana de los Andes" and "City of the First Fruits".
Riobamba has a population greater than 150,000 inhabitants.
The city was founded on August 15, 1534 near the Colta lagoon. After the devastating earthquake in the year 1797, it was completely destroyed and was restored to its current site; one of the reasons for being a very planned city.
Other destinies, cities y sites

- The majestic snowy Chimborazo with 6,310 meters, the highest volcano in the world measured from the center of the earth.
- The reserve is located in three provinces: Chimborazo, Tungurahua and Bolívar. The income to the reserve is from Riobamba, Guaranda, and from Ambato, where there are professional guides who can accompany you.
- A trip with the train is unforgettable. It still works between some places.
- Here is information about the different arts and events.
- There are different museums: archaeological, contemporary art, anthropological, wax, colonial, historical art, etc.
- Guano is located at a distance of 6 km from Riobamba, and is famous for its wool rugs and crafts.
- Penipe that on the slopes of the Tungurahua volcano and it is a quiet town.
- Pallatanga has a subtropical climate and is located on the Riobamba - Guayaquil highway.